Acrylbild Glasobjekt Aquarell Acrylbild
Lebenslust in Bildern und Objekten

Karin Jessen
Karin Jessen

Karin Jessen, artist:
Acrylic paintings, watercolor paintings, objects, silk screen paintings, installations

Abstract and informel paintings on paper and canvas, in large and small sizes.

That's it

That's it, 80x80 cm, 2003

Primary information of this site is in German. This is the translation of all items in the index:

  • Ausstellungen information/résumé of selected exhibitions
  • Acrylbilder Acrylic paintings
  • Aquarelle Watercolor
  • Siebdrucke Silk screen printings
  • Objekte Objects
  • Installationen Installations
  • Atelier Studio
  • Über mich About me
  • Vita Curriculum Vitae/Bibliography
  • Kontakt Contact form
  • Impressum Imprint

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About me

About my work - Painting process

Two primary themes are intrinsic in my work:

  • Interpersonal relationships, reduced abstractions, and
  • Imaginary expedition and emotion, expressed in color and form.

These works describe tales of joy and deprivation, attraction and repulsion, transience and perpetuity, chaos and order, rationality and emotionality.

The paintings materialize out of the subconscious mind and develop in the imagination. Together lived and remembered experiences join, creating a mood, a feeling, to a picture idea.

Through the creative process it is the object of making these works tangible.

With the attempt to express this fantasy with brush and color the pictures travel their own way. In the creative process they, the works of art, develop independent lives, which for me is always new and a surprise. I am always cautious with emotional state when approaching my picture ideas.

All artwork is original.
The artist Karin Jessen owns the copyright to all works and images.

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Your message to Karin Jessen

Items marked with an * are required.

  1. Send me a copy

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Alle Acrylbilder, Aquarelle und Objekte sind Unikate.
Interessiert Sie ein Bild oder Objekt?

Dann rufen Sie mich an, schicken Sie mir eine E-Mail oder
besuchen Sie mich in meinem Atelier nach Vereinbarung.

Karin Jessen, Kühlkamp 31, D-44319 Dortmund,
Tel +49.231.281868, mobil +49.160.1057013, Kontakt